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Memorandum of Agreement

Page history last edited by tmavencamp2@mt.gov 8 years, 12 months ago


The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) currently being discussed is between MOE, DEQ, EC, and EPA.  The purpose of this MOA is to establish a monitoring and research working group that will identify transboundary environmental impacts to Lake Koocanusa, and develop protective science-based water quality criteria/objectives for the lake as a whole.


The Lake Koocanusa Monitoring and Research Working Group, or Working Group, is made up of the following three committees: a Steering Committee, currently comprised of representatives from the US Environmental Protection Agency, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, the BC Ministry of the Environment and potentially Environment Canada; a Monitoring and Research Committee, comprised of representatives from organizations involved in monitoring and research on Lake Koocanusa, as well as experts in the field of selenium; and a Stakeholder Committee comprised of all persons with an interest in the lake. 



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